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Migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify

WooCommerce and Shopify are the two most famous solutions for building ecommerce platforms. Both offer a wide variety of powerful and useful features. At the same time, each of them is suitable for different needs.

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Even if you choose one of them, it may happen that you will decide the other one meets your requirements better. No worries, nothing is set in stone, and you can migrate from one platform to another. First, let’s consider why it may be a smart move to give up on a hosted open-source software:

  • Open-source platforms are generally free but when you add the cost of hosting, development, customization, integration, etc., it may turn out to be more expensive than SaaS.
  • Technical work is time-consuming. In SaaS, you get it automatically at no cost.
  • You are the one who handles security issues.
  • You have to take care of administration and maintenance.

This is why our clients choose WooCommerce to Shopify migration. If this is your case also, let’s walk through an A-to-Z guide on how to migrate from WooCommerce to Shopify.

Why should you consider moving from WooCommerce to Shopify?

One of the main advantages of switching from WooCommerce to Shopify is that you can save money and time on upgrades and bug fixes. Shopify takes care of hosting your site (with fast and reliable servers), as well as updating the software automatically. You never have to worry about outdated or incompatible versions. Shopify is also scalable, meaning that it can handle your business growth and traffic spikes without compromising your site’s performance. You also get access to a 24/7 technical support team that can help you with any issues. WooCommerce, on the other hand, has many add-ons and third-party apps that can cause problems and limitations as your business expands. Shopify, however, is built for businesses that want to grow fast and smoothly.

What are the costs of WooCommerce to Shopify migration?

The WooCommerce to Shopify migration depends on the complexity of your migration processes. Additional migration options affect the total cost. We have a flexible pricing policy so that every customer is provided with tailor-made services that really suit the needs of their business. If you want to get the approximate price of your WooCommerce to Shopify migration, drop us a message and we’ll be happy to answer as soon as possible!

How to migrate WooCommerce to Shopify without losses?

Migrating your data from a WooCommerce store to the Shopify platform doesn’t have to result in data loss or business disruptions. With the assistance of a reliable and experienced partner, you can smoothly migrate your online store.

One of the great advantages of Shopify is its impressive collection of themes, which are not only visually appealing but also easy to manage. Therefore, it makes sense for the migration process to be just as straightforward. When you decide to switch your e-commerce platform, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your data, content, design, or layout. By migrating to Shopify, your online store can maintain its functionality and attractiveness.

At WeCanFly, we specialize in seamless site migration services for Shopify. Our team of experts will manually handle the migration process, ensuring the preservation of your product, inventory, order, and customer data. We also take care of maintaining your SEO data and rankings, as well as implementing redirects for any changed page URLs.

Which data can be migrated from the WooCommerce store to Shopify?

You don’t have to worry; your data will be easily and quickly migrated from WooCommerce to Shopify. At WeCanFly, we’ll be happy to migrate your:

  • Products – migration includes product name, SKU, description, price (and promotional price), SEO data (meta title and meta description), product variants if any, images (base and additional), weight, product tags, and managed stock.
  • Product categories – name, description, images, metadata.
  • Manufacturers and customers (name, email address, billing and shipping addresses, phone number, etc.).
  • Orders – date, status, products (SKU, name), price (including discount price), quantity, customer information (name, email address, company address, shipping address).
  • Coupons.
  • Reviews and comments.
  • CMS pages and blog posts with titles and full descriptions.

There are also additional options if you want to move fully from WooCommerce to Shopify. At WeCanFly, we can e.g., clear data on the target store before migration. On top of that, we’ll be happy to help you with creating product variants based on a combination of options or stripping HTML from category and product names. We can also change product quantity on the target store or migrate additional images if needed.

Our WooCommerce to Shopify migration service process

Interested in migrating your e-commerce data from WooCommerce to Shopify? This is how the migration process at WeCanFly looks:

  1. We start from a discovery workshop to get to know your needs. Our main goal is to make sure that Shopify is the right fit for your business and find a solution that will suit your needs best. We need to make sure that all your business processes can be mapped onto your new Shopify e-commerce environment.
  2. We export your e-commerce data from WooCommerce – once the export is ready, we download an XML file that contains your WooCommerce data. Then, time to import the data to Shopify.
  3. We import the data to Shopify.
  4. We review and update the important data. When the data import is complete, products and customers are available in your Shopify admin. In case anything is missing, you can add it manually in the customer panel.
  5. We provide comprehensive advisory at any stage of the migration process.

Find your best way for WooCommerce to Shopify migration with WeCanFly

Besides Shopify development services, we also offer migration from WooCommerce to Shopify. And the entire process is easier than you may think! You don’t have to be concerned about losing data, missing orders, or negative impact on the customer experience if you trust a reliable partner with years of experience in the field of WooCommerce to Shopify migration.

Interested? Contact us to see how we can help you with WooCommerce to Shopify migration!

How to import products from WooCommerce to Shopify?

Migration from WooCommerce to Shopify may include many risks. This is why the best option is to trust an experienced, verified partner. Instead of moving your e-commerce platform yourself, you put the entire risk on an external company’s shoulders. Of course, it is crucial to choose an agency that has extensive experience in Shopify migrations and has developed multiple processes and best practices to make the process even smoother.

How can my store data be secured during WooCommerce to Shopify transfer?

At Incline Solutions, we prioritize security. We have developed our own best practices to make sure your migration is nothing but fully secure. We have all the necessary technologies to protect your data and ensure the continuity of your business. Before the migration process starts, we backup all your data so that there is no risk of losing it at any stage of the process. The backup is maintained until you feel entirely comfortable with your new store migrated to the Shopify platform. Finally, we always sign an NDA with our new clients.

How do we work?

Fill out the contact form, tell us about your expansion plans and we will help you come up with the most efficient Shopify development strategy that suits you and your business’ future. We have experience in creating international ecommerce stores. You’re in good hands.